For any conservation work to be successful it must be built on sound, recent data on a number of aspects in relation to otters, such as: populations, distribution, threats, human perceptions and habitat loss.
OTTER: The Journal of the International Otter Survival Fund
Annually, IOSF produces a peer-reviewed journal on a variety of otter aspects globally.
Click on the pictures below for access to the journals.
If you are interested in submitting a paper to the IOSF Otter Journal then please Click here for more information.
IOSF monitors Eurasian otter populations on the Isle of Skye annually. We survey various areas to gain an understanding of otter populations and presence across the island, and any reduction can be investigated further accordingly.
Monitoring otters on the Isle of Skye
Over the years we have worked with a number of organisations across the UK and abroad, including: NatureScot, the Wildlife Trusts, Highland Council Ranger Service.
We carry out the following types of ecological and environmental work:
Otter surveys
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA)
Habitat Monitoring
Wildlife and Conservation Advice
Wildlife Surveys
Geological Surveys
Training and Education
Consultancy and training
IOSF works and supports a number of projects globally into the research of otters and the long-term conservation of their populations. We have been involved in projects that have rediscovered the Hairy-nosed otter; Eurasian otter work in Nepal and Smooth-coated otters in Pakistan, to name a few.
Global Research
Student Research Grant
The IOSF Student Research Grant will help two students carry out an otter field survey under the guidance of a trained ecological surveyor.
This offers students an introduction to otter surveying technique from a trained ecological surveyor, help them with potential dissertation topics and encourage them to work more with otters.
Most of IOSF’s more recent publications are now found within each issue of the IOSF Journal, above, but you can read some of our other publications by using the buttons, below.
Just click each relevant button for the publication you wish to read.
Other Publications
©Vincent Lo