International Otter Survival Fund

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Welcome to Your Page

Welcome to Team Otter ‘Your Page’ which is a page that is dedicated to what, the children and Team Otter members, are doing around the world.

This page allows you to read all the latest otter news, what Team Otter’s around the world are up to and showcase your artwork/poems and stories in relation to the otter world.

To give you an idea of the sort of things we are looking for, here’s some things to keep in mind to get your creative ideas going:

  • Send us your drawings, artwork, sculptures and poems, for a chance for them to get showcased on this page.

  • Tell us your otter related stories such as a walk in which you seen one, you may have spotted otter spraint (poop) or any other otter related stories! You can even send any videos, or video blogs you’ve done.

  • Keep up to date on all the Team Otter work being done around the world - through this page.