International Otter Survival Fund

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Busy week for Team Otter Broadford

It has been a busy week in the Team Otter Broadford world!

Last Friday, Struan organised a clean up of Harrapool, his local village. Struan along with John, Ruairidh and leader Ben headed out on a fairly miserable Friday afternoon to clear up the area. We believe that a lot of the litter was caused by the stormy weather and bins being blown over as a result. They walk most of the length of Harrapool and collected a bag of litter, removing it from the environment.

On Sunday, Dylan and Struan Dylan headed to the Co-op to continue work on their environmental podcast. The week previous, they started an idea of gaining a better understanding on the communities thoughts on the environment, and where better to interview people then the local shop. During the time they spent in the supermarket, they interviewed local community members to gain an understanding of environmental issues around the area, and further afield.

The next day our two groups go to work on their regular meeting time. We had a break in the stormy weather and had a beautiful Monday to head outside. The Primary group returned to the Co-op to clean around the supermarket. It was particularly bad, and we managed to collect 4 bags of litter – and we ran out of time and need to go back!

The high school group continued working on the podcast, with Struan and Dylan working alongside Radio Skye to interview the whole group, including the two leaders. They asked questions about why helping the environment was so important, what people enjoyed about Team Otter, what people didn’t and everything in between!

We will keep you informed on when the podcast will go out!

A massive thanks to the Broadford Co-op for allowing the group to have a table and interview locals. To Robert, at Radio Skye, for coming down and helping with the interviews. And, of course, our helper Nick.