Team Otter Broadford surveys for wildlife

Over recent weeks, Team Otter Broadford has been investigating what species could be affected by the proposed Workers Camp. This video highlights just some of them, with Barn Owls, White Tailed Sea Eagle and Golden Eagle also brought to the attention of the group having been observed by members of the public. This is of concern to them, as well as losing one of their only precious outdoor spaces, in Clay Pools.

This development has been proposed as “temporary” and therefore has not deemed itself relevant to have a full Environmental Impact Assessment. And by "temporary" they mean at least five years!

It is also worth noting that these species were found in the winter, so migratory and hibernating species cannot be accounted for. Furthermore, given the development is on proposed flood plain land, there is also concern for runoff into the Bay area including the returning large cetaceans.

Given a handful of passionate children have already found a number of species, over a small period of time, some of which are highly protected, we have to question what a full EIA would uncover and what further species would be affected.


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